Welcome to Logan Elementary School

Don't forget to  READ, READ, READ!

MATH is all around you!!

Virtual Learning Information

Logan Staff Google Meet Codes

All students log in at 11:00
Classes begin at 11:00
Morning Announcements at 11:20
Lunch  and Movement 12:30-1:40
Classes conclude at 4:00
(Each grade level will follow their daily schedule.)

Logan's School Progress Plan

The Logan Lowdown!
Click here for February's Newsletter

For Tech help, click on the grey box above.


Virtual Calming Room

Click the image above to go directly to the
BCPS Virtual Calming Room

Our Mission = Our Why

At Logan, we unleash our WILL for academic excellence and build AUTHENTIC relationships!

Principal: Michael A. Parker
Assistant Principal:  Nicole Wrightson
Bedtime Stories from our staff: https://tinyurl.com/yx6u7fkv

BCPL Resources

District Headlines

Logan's YouTube Channel is up and running.  Click the airplane below to see Technology hints, Schoology info, House videos, and so much more!


Quick Links


School Hours

Bell Schedule
8:55   Doors open
9:10   Instruction begins
 -Those arriving after 9:10     will be marked late
3:55   Walkers and car riders dismissed followed by bus riders
* All car riders will be picked up from the back of the school and walkers from the side of the school.  Please see New Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Logan Links

Logan MD Performance School Report Card:
PARCC 2017 ReportCard.

Right To Know Letter

School Supply Lists:
Logan Supply List